PARyOpt package¶
PARyOpt.acquisition_functions module¶
(mean: float, variance: float, curr_best: float = 0.0, _: float = 1.0) → float[source]¶ Expected improvement of objective function ‘A Tutorial on Bayesian Optimization of Expensive Cost Functions, with Application to Active User Modeling and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning’
Parameters: - mean – mean of surrogate
- variance – variance of surrogate
- curr_best – current best evaluated point
- kappa – exploration - exploitation tradeoff parameter
Returns: expectation of improvement
(mean: float, variance: float, curr_best: float = 0.0, kappa: float = 1.0) → float[source]¶ lower confidence bound of improvement : used for minimization problems
Parameters: - mean – mean of surrogate
- variance – variance of surrogate
- curr_best – current best evaluated point
- kappa – exploration - exploitation tradeoff parameter
Returns: lower confidence bound
(mean: float, variance: float, curr_best: float = 0.0, _: float = 1.0) → float[source]¶ Probability of improvement of objective function ‘A Tutorial on Bayesian Optimization of Expensive Cost Functions, with Application to Active User Modeling and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning’
Parameters: - mean – mean of surrogate
- variance – variance of surrogate
- curr_best – current best evaluated point
- kappa – exploration - exploitation tradeoff parameter
Returns: probability of improvement
(mean: float, variance: float, curr_best: float = 0.0, kappa: float = 1.0) → float[source]¶ upper confidence bound of improvement: used in the case of maximization problems
Parameters: - mean – mean of surrogate
- variance – variance of surrogate
- curr_best – current best evaluated point
- kappa – exploration - exploitation tradeoff parameter
Returns: upper confidence bound
PARyOpt.paryopt module¶
(cost_function: Union[Callable[[List[<built-in function array>]], Tuple[List[Tuple[<built-in function array>, float]], List[<built-in function array>], List[<built-in function array>]]], Callable[[List[<built-in function array>], List[<built-in function array>]], Tuple[List[Tuple[<built-in function array>, float]], List[<built-in function array>], List[<built-in function array>]]]], l_bound: <built-in function array>, u_bound: <built-in function array>, n_dim: int, n_opt: int = 1, n_init: int = 0, init_strategy: Callable[[int, int, <built-in function array>, <built-in function array>], List[<built-in function array>]] = None, do_init: bool = True, kern_function: Union[str, PARyOpt.kernel.kernel_function.KernelFunction] = None, acq_func: Union[str, Callable[[float, float, float, float], float]] = None, acq_func_optimizer: Callable = None, kappa_strategy: Union[List[Callable[[int], float]], Callable[[int], float], NoneType] = None, constraints: List[Callable[[<built-in function array>], bool]] = [], if_restart: bool = None, restart_filename: str = 'opt_state.dat') → None[source]¶ Bases:
Bayesian optimization class.
Variables: - curr_iter – iteration number of optimizer
- n_surrogate_opt – number of optima to get during surrogate optimization
- n_init – initial population size (>2)
- n_dim – dimensions of optimization
- u_bound (l_bound,) – lower and upper bounds on variables
- total_population – total set of population: list of arrays
- func_vector – functional values for the population : scalar for each population
- K – covariance matrix
- K_inv – inverse of covariance matrix
- K_inv_y – K_inv * func_vector : pre-computation to save costly / unstable inversion
- acquisition_function – acquisition function to optimize the surrogate
- cost_function – cost function to MINIMIZE: should be able to take a vector of locations
- constraints – list of constraint functions (only points that satisfy these functions will be visited) NOT enforced in the default init strategy!!
- if_restart – whether it should restart or not
- restart_filename – file to restart from. it will be opt_state.dat if nothing is specified
- acq_func_optimizer – optimizer for acquisition function. Should take in function, initial guess, bounds and function derivative. Returns the optimal location
(x: <built-in function array>, kappa: float, avoid: List[<built-in function array>] = None, opt_indx: int = 0) → float[source]¶ Calculates the acquisition function + penalty function at the given query location. If the query point is outside the bounds, it will return an infinity This is the function that needs to be optimized.
Parameters: - x – location to evaluate acquisition function : shape: (1, self.n_dim)
- kappa – kappa value to pass to acquisition function
- avoid – list of x values to avoid (forwarded to penalty function)
- opt_indx – index of acquisition function that is being called
Returns: scalar acquisition function at x
(x: <built-in function array>, y: float = None, if_check_nearness: bool = True, is_failed: bool = False) → None[source]¶ Adds ONLY ONE point to the current set of data we have. if_check_nearness specifies if it is needed to check nearness constraints before adding the point into total_population. This should be true if the user is manually adding points into the population. Updates following variables: K, K_inv, total_population, func_vector If the point is a failed evaluation, then it does not add into total_population and func_vector
Parameters: - x – array of shape (1, self.n_dim)
- y – cost function value at that location
- if_check_nearness – boolean, whether to check nearness or not.
- is_failed – boolean, whether the point to add is a failed evaluation or not
Returns: None
(theta_bounds=None) → None[source]¶ Calculates and sets the best shape-parameter/characteristic length-scale for RBF kernel function and applies it to the current model.
Parameters: theta_bounds – array of bounds for theta Returns: None
(x: <built-in function array>, include_failed: bool = False) → tuple[source]¶ Evaluates the surrogate at given point Taken from : : “A Tutorial on Bayesian Optimization of Expensive Cost Functions, with Application to Active User Modeling and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning” Note that it returns sigma^2 and not sigma
The mean of the surrogate will not be affected by the failed points, they will only affect the variance of the surrogate
Parameters: - x – location to evaluate the surrogate rbf approximation
- include_failed – whether to include failed points for surrogate
Returns: mean(mu), variance (sigma^2)
(path: str, **kwargs) → None[source]¶ Writes the data from all completed function evaluations (i.e. x, y pairs) to a CSV file. The file starts with the following header row: x0, x1, …, x[n_dim-1], y. Additional arguments will be forwarded to the csv.writer function, which can be used to control the formatting of the CSV file. To write a TSV instead of CSV, you can pass dialect=’excel-tab’.
Parameters: - path – Path to write the file to. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
- kwargs – Forwarded to csv.writer(), can be used to override the CSV dialect and set formatting options.
() → tuple[source]¶ returns the location of current best and value of current best
Returns: location, func_value
() → Tuple[List[<built-in function array>], List[float]][source]¶ returns the total population : for visualization purposes
Returns: total_population and function values at that location
(x: <built-in function array>, kappa: float, avoid: List[<built-in function array>] = []) → float[source]¶ Calculates the penalty function, to prevent local optima to repeat
Parameters: - x – location
- kappa – kappa value used in acquisition function
- avoid – extra points to avoid (other than self.total_pop/self.pending/self.failed)
Returns: penalty function value at x
(theta: Union[float, <built-in function array>] = 1.0, theta0: float = 1.0) → None[source]¶ sets the kernel parameters: called from the user script. The covariance matrix needs to be re-calculated when this function is called
Parameters: - theta – scaling of dimensions used with the distance function
- theta0 – scaling of kernel function
Returns: None
(iter_max: int = 1) → None[source]¶ Finds the next query point and updates the data for the next iteration
Returns: None
() → None[source]¶ updates the inverse of covariance function. In order to incorporate failed locations as interpolated values, this update is 2 staged:
- Create the surrogate (K,K_inv) with only the successfully evaluated points
- Evaluate the mean of the surrogate at the failed points
- Incorporate the interpolated failed locations into the surrogate and update the surrogate (K,K_inv)
Updates the values of self.K_success, self.K_inv_success, self.K_inv_y_success, self.K_inv and self.K_inv_y
Returns: None
PARyOpt.utils module¶
(x: <built-in function array>, mean: <built-in function array> = 0.0, sigma_sq: <built-in function array> = 1.0) → float[source]¶ Cumulative distribution function of standard normal distribution
Parameters: - x – scalar / location
- mean – mean of distribution
- sigma_sq – variance of distribution (sigma^2)
Returns: cdf of normal distribution
(x1: <built-in function array>, x2: <built-in function array>) → float[source]¶ returns the distance between two query points
Parameters: - x1 – point 1
- x2 – point 2
Returns: euclidean distance between the two points
(x)[source]¶ error function of x: used in calculating cumulative distribution. Unable to import from scipy, so writing our own function
Parameters: x – float Returns: error function of x
(n: int, samples: int = None, criterion: str = None, iterations: int = None)[source]¶ Generate a latin-hypercube design
Parameters: - n – The number of factors to generate samples for
- samples – The number of samples to generate for each factor (Default: n)
- criterion – Allowable values are “center” or “c”, “maximin” or “m”, “centermaximin” or “cm”, and “correlation” or “corr”. If no value given, the design is centermaximin.
- iterations – The number of iterations in the maximin and correlations algorithms (Default: 5).
Return H: An n-by-samples design matrix that has been normalized so factor values are uniformly spaced between zero and one.
Example: A 3-factor design (defaults to 3 samples):
>>> lhs(3) array([[ 0.40069325, 0.08118402, 0.69763298], [ 0.19524568, 0.41383587, 0.29947106], [ 0.85341601, 0.75460699, 0.360024 ]])
A 4-factor design with 6 samples:
>>> lhs(4, samples=6) array([[ 0.27226812, 0.02811327, 0.62792445, 0.91988196], [ 0.76945538, 0.43501682, 0.01107457, 0.09583358], [ 0.45702981, 0.76073773, 0.90245401, 0.18773015], [ 0.99342115, 0.85814198, 0.16996665, 0.65069309], [ 0.63092013, 0.22148567, 0.33616859, 0.36332478], [ 0.05276917, 0.5819198 , 0.67194243, 0.78703262]])
A 2-factor design with 5 centered samples:
>>> lhs(2, samples=5, criterion='center') array([[ 0.3, 0.5], [ 0.7, 0.9], [ 0.1, 0.3], [ 0.9, 0.1], [ 0.5, 0.7]])
A 3-factor design with 4 samples where the minimum distance between all samples has been maximized:
>>> lhs(3, samples=4, criterion='maximin') array([[ 0.02642564, 0.55576963, 0.50261649], [ 0.51606589, 0.88933259, 0.34040838], [ 0.98431735, 0.0380364 , 0.01621717], [ 0.40414671, 0.33339132, 0.84845707]])
A 4-factor design with 5 samples where the samples are as uncorrelated as possible (within 10 iterations):
>>> lhs(4, samples=5, criterion='correlate', iterations=10)
(x: <built-in function array>, mean: <built-in function array> = 0.0, sigma_sq: float = 1.0) → float[source]¶ Probability distribution function of standard normal distribution, returns the pdf of a location from given mean with variance sigma_sq
Parameters: - x – scalar/location
- mean – mean of distribution
- sigma_sq – variance of distribution (sigma^2)
Returns: pdf of normal distribution